NSW Baptist Society
Welcome to the official website of the Baptist Historical Society of NSW Inc (9897579)
The Baptist Historical Society of NSW (BHS) was created in 1974
Open to persons and churches who make application and are accepted as members by the Executive Committee
Annual Membership Fees are Ordinary $30, Concession $25, Churches and Institutions $35
Meetings of the Society are held quarterly, normally on the second Saturday in February, May, August and November.
Meetings commence at 2.30 pm with Afternoon Tea.
The meeting is held in Morling Residential College, Saunders Close, off Herring Rd, Macquarie Park
Parking available in Morling College grounds
All are welcome
The Society publishes a quarterly journal, The Baptist Recorder (edited by Mr Ronald Cardwell), and a series of monographs. Copies of past journals and monographs are available from the Secretary – cardwell@mcks.com.au
The Baptist Archives, located at Morling College, holds an extensive collection of Australian Baptist documents and memorabilia. The Honorary Archivist, Mr Ernest Windschuttel, is assisted by a small team of volunteers. Public access is available by contacting the Archivist at archives@morling.edu.au
Executive Committee
- President – Dr Alan Rice AM
- Vice President – Mrs Barbara Coe
- Secretary – Mr Ronald Cardwell
- Treasurer – Mrs Pamela Windschuttel
- Archivist – Mr Ernest Windschuttel
- Committee Member – Mr Philip Dart
- Editor (The Baptist Recorder) – Mr Ronald Cardwell
- Webmaster – Mr Ernest Windschuttel
- Public Officer – Mr Ronald Cardwell